I had a port placed in my chest because my veins were hard to access. Many nurses were uncomfortable trying to find a vein to draw blood or place an i.v. line. I reluctantly allowed the Port to be placed. The procedure took about 30 minutes. What they don't tell you is that you will be sore and you may bleed because you are on heparin which keeps the port from clogging. This was not a pleasant procedure. I know this is a procedure which has benefits for the patient and care givers but right now I am not feeling it! Oh well, I guess that is why they send your A$$ Home. Go figure....damned if you do...damned if you don't.
Another comment, I have the best parents and wife in the world...Many of my caregivers asked me, "where is your dad?" Another nurse said, "You have the greatest Dad in the world." They missed him because most of the time when I am hospitalized he is right there in the room with me. He is 81 years old. He sleeps on the pullout couch in the hospital watching over me and ensuring that I get quality care. The caregivers have grown to admire him and his commitment to me. He also realizes that most of my care falls on my devoted wife and that she to needs help as it relates to my care and her own health (Lupus). Thank God for FAMILY...
Camp Crescent Moon Day 6 - Hollywood by Day--Super Hero by Night (Theme)
The Boys and Men lost in the annual Tug Of War. The guys have lost 6 out of 7 years. Way to go Ladies. Is there a statement in this dominance?
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