Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Grinch Who Stole Christmas...Big Insurers

I was sitting at my desk editing my memoir when I began looking through the mail. My Medicare Access (supplemental, Cigna) sent me a notice of discontinuation. I sat there for a moment in disbelief because the same exact thing happened a year ago with Coventry. After my initial frustration of having to search providers, I settled down and began my search.

I called Secure Horizon. After our initial intro's, in which the Rep was happy,we got to business. He started asking for enrollment information and that's when our exchange went haywire. I told him I was on dialysis with End Stage Renal Disease. He told me he could not insure me. He said no one in GA will insure Me. I said, What about Obama Care and not denying people with preexisting conditions? Not being able to be dropped? He told me to go to the website and it states it clearly. Insurance companies are enrolling people through the Medicare websites, yet are not disclosing criterias that make you ineligible.  So I called Medicare and as was told I did not meet the criteria due to my recent diagnosis of ESRD. I asked what was the deal with any Insurer being able to sell a policy in one state and then drop them at the end of the year because they don't make a profit? The bottom line, it's common practice. So, I don't qualify under the regulations for Supplenmental Healthcare policy.  How can anyone in a similar position have any peace of mind?  For now I must go to Origial Medicare and be responsible for the 20% co-insurance.

Clearly the big Insurers knew exactly what they were doing when they lined the pockets of the Politicians.  I am sitting in dialysis posting this blog enjoying this ride God is taking me on. His Grace and Mercy has brought me a mighty long way. He Loves Us Very Much!

On a happy note. While in pre-op waiting to have my catheter inserted into my belly this anesthesiologist (about late 60's or so) asked me if he could shake my hand. I asked, "is it because I beat the odds for men with SCD?". He responded, "Yes, I've yet to meet a 56 yr old male with SCD, besides I am suffering a battle with Cancer and know the battle you are fighting."