I often joke that I live to fight another battle on another day.
In addition to my not feeling well, I was contacted by the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America to help publicize a collaborative effort to recruit minority donors with the American Red Cross. I already have an affiliation with them. I was sent a link regarding misappropriation of fundsl. While I certainly can understand the impetus to get back in good standing, it is these moments that make donors question whether to fund sickle cell programs and how viable existing foundations are. In that regard, do these acts place additional light on existing foundations? Do they call for unecessary and untimely audits which take away from the mission of the foundations?
With the internet, social networks, blogs etc. as alternative methods of peer to peer communication, will this replace a major mission of the foundations? One of the main goals of our foundations is to educate our communities about SCD. If this is not done, grants may start funding alternative competitors? I don't know the answer but it begs the question. What are your thoughts? We are in a new age which calls for new methods. We must not let those who fought the wars for so long evaporate from our consciousness.We must stand vigilant for those who stood for us. Tactics and strategy may change but the Mission must never waiver nor our cherished foundationsl
I am adding the link to "Black Rip Off Report", http://www.blackripoffreport.blogspot.com/
Until the next time....Stay on the BattleField!
Great piece of writing. I'm with you brother, without a doubt. I also find myself a little lost for words. We have been friends for 38 years and have recently reconnected. A connection not to be lost again, for sure. I am at the loss because as I read your post, I can't help but think back to Drew Hall at Howard. And how young and vibrant we all were. It seems like just yesterday. I am also thinking ahead to the next 38 years and hoping for nothing but good things for you, your family and our friendship. More to follow.....
ReplyDeleteUm grande abraço (a big hug)
Friendships are to be cherished ... I am so grateful we reconnected.