Friday, October 23, 2009

Where You Been?

I must apologize to my readers for not posting for so long. I have been sick to say the least and felt I didn’t have a clear head in order to write something worth writing. I entered the hospital on October 7 and did not leave until the 15th. After 2 days of trying to deal with crisis pain, I called my doctor and he said to come in. I was hurting pretty bad. To the extent that one of the nurses stated they had never seen me in such pain.

Usually I can show a great deal of restraint until I get an I. V. but this time I was really hurting bad. On day 2 my Kidney’s started shutting down and my creatinine went to 5 (trouble) my normal kidney function is 2.8. I was visited by my Nephrology group to keep an eye on this. My hemoglobin/hematocrit went from 8/27 to 5/20. I was not hemolyzing. My doctor ordered a blood transfusion for 2 units hoping the transfusion would get my levels back up. It didn’t. Two days later my levels were 6.9/23 and I was still feeling bad yet was not on much pain meds. My hemoglobin/hematocrit was still low and not moving upward. My doctor ordered 2 more units of blood. After receiving the blood my levels popped up to where we wanted them and my creatinine started to come down. I was released after everything stabilized. As to why I am having so many transfusions and admissions. My doctor states it’s a fine line between my Kidney functions and congestive heart failure. I take lasix to take the fluid off me and my body getting too dry causes me to go into a crisis.

For those of you who have these symptoms, I hope my explanation of what you need to watch for as you age is helpful. For those of you who give blood at the American Red Cross, …You might have saved my life. Please give blood to save someone’s Life.

Thank God….and the many prayers. Keep them coming, I need all I can receive. Thank You!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're getting back on your feet. I wrote about SC on my blog Strides to Cure Found. My daughter suffers from cystic fibrosis, another recessive genetic disease. Anyway, I have decided to learn a little more about the other recessive genetic diseases, so I stopped by your blog.

    Here's to hoping you're still doing well!
